We Provide Revenue-Based Finance to E-Commerce Stores and Globalize them.

Regardless of the market place, we provide revenue-based finance to e-commerce stores, follow their developments, prepare business plans and increase their annual growth rates, providing opportunities for their globalization.

We make your e-Commerce store a Global leader.

Increase Your Product Capacity
You can get more sales by increasing your product stocks with financing.
Payment Facilities
We take all the payment workloads by making the payments to the suppliers on your behalf.
Rational Progress
Weekly data table prepared for you from our panel, Business planning, Payment income and expense etc. You will have access to all amenities.

Grow Your E-Commerce Store Globalize

Discover the Value of Your E-Commerce Store

Discover the Value of Your Business

You can also expand your store with finance. With the Expert Services fee team, we perform the necessary actions to globalize your store.

A very comfortable and professional process awaits you with Services fee.

Why Services Fee?
Respectful Approach
We value and respect your time throughout the process.
Expert in Every Sector
With the unique experiences we have with our team, we can globalize your store in the best way.